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Breast Revision

After having a breast surgery, a Breast Revision may be needed for different reasons. Overtime gravity can take its toll and cause changes in the augmented breast, weight loss and or weight gain may also have an affect on the appearance of the breasts. Breast revision is a surgical procedure that can refine and rejuvenate the appearance of your breasts.


There are several surgical techniques to achieve the desired outcomes and the proper approach will be discussed with you during your consult with Dr. Buono.Breast Revision may also be paired with other procedures such as a Breast Lift, exchange of implants, or liposuction to obtain an aesthetically pleasing result. *


Recovery may vary depending on the extent of revision, however, in general, you may plan for a week off from work and four weeks of no heavy lifting and minimizing your activity. Your dressings will be changed at your one-week follow-up appointment with Dr. Buono and you will be required to wear a soft support bra for approximately four weeks.

You may experience tenderness, swelling, numbness, and bruising for a few days after surgery depending on the extent of surgery.


Just like with any surgery, results can vary, and Dr. Buono will discuss realistic goals with you. Long-term results are affected by age, general health, and maintenance of weight. Dr. Buono also requires her patients to be non-smokers for most of her procedures, including a Breast Revision.

Possible Complications: 

Dr. Buono will discuss the risks and possible complications with you at the time of your consultation.These may include, but are not limited to, pain, scar or widening of scar, swelling, infection, temporary or permanent change in nipple sensation, fluid collection, infection, damage to or loss of breast tissue, bleeding, or need for further surgical revision. Those who tend to develop thickened scars (hypertrophic scars or keloids) may or may not after a Breast Revision, however, these scars may be treated with Dermatix® Ultra or medications if necessary.If a complication should occur, it will be addressed as indicated.

*Results may vary from patient to patient. This website does not provide medical advice and the statements contained in this site may not have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.



Call (312) 772-1133 to schedule your consultation today. We look forward to meeting you.